Calculating Evolution CP in Pokémon Go

Calculating Evolution CP in Pokémon Go

In the popular mobile game Pokémon Go, players can catch and train various Pokémon. Each Pokémon has a set of stats, including Combat Power (CP). CP is a measure of a Pokémon's strength in battle, and it is used to determine which Pokémon can be used in certain battles and gyms.

When a Pokémon evolves, its CP will increase. The amount of CP that a Pokémon gains when it evolves depends on a number of factors, including the Pokémon's species, its level, and its individual stats. In this article, we will explain how to calculate the CP of an evolved Pokémon.

To calculate the CP of an evolved Pokémon, you will need to know the following information:

calculate evolution cp

Calculate CP of evolved Pokémon in Pokémon Go.

  • Know Pokémon species, level, and stats.
  • Use CP formula.
  • Consider species-specific modifiers.
  • Account for level-up bonuses.
  • Check for special evolutions.
  • Use CP calculators.
  • Maximize IVs for higher CP.
  • Power up Pokémon for even higher CP.

Calculating evolution CP helps optimize your Pokémon team.

Know Pokémon species, level, and stats.

To calculate the CP of an evolved Pokémon, you need to know the following information about the Pokémon:

  • Pokémon species: The species of the Pokémon determines its base stats, which are the stats that it has at level 1. Base stats vary from species to species, and they can also vary between different forms of the same Pokémon. For example, the base stats of Pikachu are different from the base stats of Raichu.
  • Pokémon level: The level of the Pokémon determines how much its stats have increased since it was level 1. Pokémon gain stat boosts each time they level up, and these boosts are applied to their base stats. The higher the Pokémon's level, the higher its stats will be.
  • Pokémon individual stats: In addition to their base stats and level, Pokémon also have individual stats, which are randomly generated when the Pokémon is created. Individual stats can range from 0 to 15 for each stat, and they can have a significant impact on the Pokémon's overall strength. Pokémon with higher individual stats will have higher CP than Pokémon with lower individual stats.

Once you know the Pokémon's species, level, and individual stats, you can use the CP formula to calculate its CP.

Use CP formula.

The CP formula is used to calculate the CP of a Pokémon based on its base stats, level, and individual stats. The formula is as follows:

  • CP = (Base Attack + Individual Attack) * (Base Defense + Individual Defense)^0.5 * (Base Stamina + Individual Stamina)^0.5 * Level^2 / 10

Let's break down the formula:

  • Base Attack, Base Defense, and Base Stamina: These are the Pokémon's base stats, which are determined by its species.
  • Individual Attack, Individual Defense, and Individual Stamina: These are the Pokémon's individual stats, which are randomly generated when the Pokémon is created.
  • Level: This is the Pokémon's level.

Once you know the values for all of these variables, you can plug them into the CP formula to calculate the Pokémon's CP.

Consider species-specific modifiers.

Some Pokémon species have special modifiers that affect their CP. For example, Pokémon that are dual-typed (i.e., they have two types) receive a 1.25x multiplier to their CP. This means that a dual-typed Pokémon will have a higher CP than a single-typed Pokémon with the same base stats, level, and individual stats.

Other Pokémon species have unique abilities that can also affect their CP. For example, Pokémon with the ability "Huge Power" have their Attack stat doubled, which can result in a significant increase in their CP.

When calculating the CP of an evolved Pokémon, it is important to consider any species-specific modifiers that may apply. These modifiers can make a big difference in the Pokémon's overall CP.

Here are some examples of Pokémon species that have special modifiers that affect their CP:

  • Dual-typed Pokémon: All dual-typed Pokémon receive a 1.25x multiplier to their CP.
  • Pokémon with the ability "Huge Power": Pokémon with the ability "Huge Power" have their Attack stat doubled, which can result in a significant increase in their CP.
  • Pokémon with the ability "Pure Power": Pokémon with the ability "Pure Power" have their Attack stat increased by 30%, which can also result in a significant increase in their CP.

Account for level-up bonuses.

When a Pokémon levels up, it receives stat boosts to its Attack, Defense, and Stamina stats. These stat boosts are applied to the Pokémon's base stats, and they can result in a significant increase in the Pokémon's CP.

The amount of stat boosts that a Pokémon receives when it levels up depends on the Pokémon's species and its level. Some Pokémon species receive larger stat boosts than others, and Pokémon that are higher level receive larger stat boosts than Pokémon that are lower level.

When calculating the CP of an evolved Pokémon, it is important to account for the level-up bonuses that the Pokémon will receive. These bonuses can make a big difference in the Pokémon's overall CP.

Here are some examples of how level-up bonuses can affect a Pokémon's CP:

  • A level 20 Pokémon will have higher CP than a level 19 Pokémon of the same species, even if the two Pokémon have the same base stats and individual stats.
  • A Pokémon that evolves at a higher level will have higher CP than a Pokémon that evolves at a lower level, even if the two Pokémon have the same species and individual stats.

Check for special evolutions.

Some Pokémon have special evolutions that can result in a significant increase in their CP. For example, Eevee can evolve into one of eight different Pokémon, depending on certain conditions. Some of these evolutions, such as Espeon and Umbreon, have much higher CP than Eevee.

  • Eevee evolutions: Eevee can evolve into eight different Pokémon, depending on certain conditions. Some of these evolutions, such as Espeon and Umbreon, have much higher CP than Eevee.
  • Trade evolutions: Some Pokémon, such as Haunter and Machoke, can only evolve if they are traded to another player. These Pokémon typically have higher CP than their pre-evolved forms.
  • Item evolutions: Some Pokémon, such as Scyther and Politoed, can only evolve if they are given a specific item. These Pokémon typically have higher CP than their pre-evolved forms.
  • Happiness evolutions: Some Pokémon, such as Chansey and Togepi, can only evolve if they have high happiness. These Pokémon typically have higher CP than their pre-evolved forms.

When calculating the CP of an evolved Pokémon, it is important to check for any special evolutions that may apply. These evolutions can make a big difference in the Pokémon's overall CP.

Use CP calculators.

If you don't want to calculate the CP of an evolved Pokémon manually, you can use a CP calculator. CP calculators are online tools that allow you to input the Pokémon's species, level, and individual stats, and they will then calculate the Pokémon's CP. This can be a helpful way to quickly and easily compare the CP of different Pokémon.

There are many different CP calculators available online. Some popular CP calculators include:

  • Pokémon GameInfo IV Calculator
  • The Silph Road IV Calculator
  • Stadium Gaming IV Calculator

To use a CP calculator, simply select the Pokémon's species, level, and individual stats. The calculator will then calculate the Pokémon's CP and display it on the screen.

CP calculators can be a helpful tool for players who want to quickly and easily compare the CP of different Pokémon. However, it is important to remember that CP is not the only factor that determines a Pokémon's strength. Other factors, such as the Pokémon's moveset and type matchups, can also play a role in determining how well a Pokémon performs in battle.

Maximize IVs for higher CP.

Individual values (IVs) are hidden stats that determine a Pokémon's potential. IVs can range from 0 to 15 for each stat, and they can have a significant impact on a Pokémon's overall CP. Pokémon with higher IVs will have higher CP than Pokémon with lower IVs.

  • Check IVs using an IV calculator: There are many online IV calculators that can help you determine the IVs of your Pokémon. Simply input the Pokémon's CP, HP, and Stardust cost to power up, and the calculator will estimate the Pokémon's IVs.
  • Prioritize Pokémon with high IVs: When evolving Pokémon, it is important to prioritize Pokémon with high IVs. Pokémon with high IVs will have higher CP than Pokémon with lower IVs, even if the two Pokémon have the same species and level.
  • Use TMs to improve IVs: TMs (Technical Machines) can be used to change a Pokémon's moveset. Some TMs can also improve a Pokémon's IVs. For example, the TM "IV Stone" can increase a Pokémon's IVs by 1 or 2 points.
  • Breed Pokémon to get high IVs: Breeding Pokémon is another way to get Pokémon with high IVs. When two Pokémon are bred, their IVs are combined to create the IVs of the offspring. By carefully selecting the parents of your Pokémon, you can increase the chances of getting offspring with high IVs.

Maximizing a Pokémon's IVs is one of the best ways to increase its CP. By following the tips above, you can increase the chances of getting Pokémon with high IVs, and you can also use TMs and breeding to improve the IVs of your Pokémon.

Power up Pokémon for even higher CP.

Powering up a Pokémon is another way to increase its CP. When you power up a Pokémon, you use Stardust and Candy to increase its level. As a Pokémon's level increases, its stats also increase, which results in a higher CP.

  • Use Stardust and Candy to power up Pokémon: Stardust and Candy are two resources that are required to power up Pokémon. Stardust is a common resource that can be obtained by catching Pokémon, hatching eggs, and transferring Pokémon to Professor Willow. Candy is a rarer resource that can be obtained by catching Pokémon of the same species.
  • Prioritize Pokémon with high CP: When powering up Pokémon, it is important to prioritize Pokémon with high CP. Pokémon with high CP will have higher stats than Pokémon with lower CP, even if the two Pokémon have the same species and level.
  • Use Lucky Pokémon for cheaper power-ups: Lucky Pokémon have a reduced Stardust cost to power up. This makes them ideal candidates for powering up to higher levels.
  • Use XL Candy to power up Pokémon to level 50 and beyond: XL Candy is a new resource that was introduced in Pokémon Go in 2021. XL Candy can be used to power up Pokémon to level 50 and beyond. This can result in a significant increase in a Pokémon's CP.

Powering up Pokémon is a great way to increase their CP and make them more powerful in battle. By following the tips above, you can power up your Pokémon to their full potential.


Here are some frequently asked questions about CP calculators for Pokémon Go:

Question 1: What is a CP calculator?

Answer: A CP calculator is an online tool that allows you to calculate the CP of a Pokémon based on its species, level, and individual stats.

Question 2: Why should I use a CP calculator?

Answer: CP calculators can be helpful for comparing the CP of different Pokémon, and for determining which Pokémon are worth investing in.

Question 3: How do I use a CP calculator?

Answer: Most CP calculators are very easy to use. Simply select the Pokémon's species, level, and individual stats, and the calculator will do the rest.

Question 4: Are all CP calculators accurate?

Answer: Most CP calculators are accurate, but there may be some slight variations between different calculators. This is because CP calculators use different formulas to calculate CP.

Question 5: What is the best CP calculator?

Answer: There is no one "best" CP calculator. However, some popular CP calculators include the Pokémon GameInfo IV Calculator, The Silph Road IV Calculator, and the Stadium Gaming IV Calculator.

Question 6: Can I use a CP calculator to calculate the CP of a Pokémon that I haven't caught yet?

Answer: Yes, you can use a CP calculator to calculate the CP of a Pokémon that you haven't caught yet. Simply select the Pokémon's species and level, and leave the individual stats blank. The calculator will then give you an estimate of the Pokémon's CP.

Question 7: Can I use a CP calculator to compare the CP of Pokémon from different games?

Answer: No, you cannot use a CP calculator to compare the CP of Pokémon from different games. This is because the CP formula is different in each game.

Question 8: Can I use a CP calculator to calculate the CP of a Pokémon that has been traded?

Answer: Yes, you can use a CP calculator to calculate the CP of a Pokémon that has been traded. However, you will need to know the Pokémon's species, level, and individual stats before the trade. This is because the CP of a Pokémon can change after it has been traded.

Question 9: Can I use a CP calculator to calculate the CP of a Pokémon that has been purified?

Answer: Yes, you can use a CP calculator to calculate the CP of a Pokémon that has been purified. However, you will need to know the Pokémon's species, level, and individual stats before it was purified. This is because the CP of a Pokémon can change after it has been purified.

CP calculators can be a helpful tool for Pokémon Go players. By using a CP calculator, you can compare the CP of different Pokémon, and determine which Pokémon are worth investing in.

In addition to using a CP calculator, there are a few other things that you can do to increase the CP of your Pokémon. These include maximizing your Pokémon's IVs, powering up your Pokémon, and evolving your Pokémon.


Here are a few tips for using CP calculators to get the most out of them:

Tip 1: Use a reputable CP calculator.

There are many different CP calculators available online, but not all of them are accurate. Do some research to find a reputable CP calculator that uses a reliable formula.

Tip 2: Input accurate information.

When using a CP calculator, it is important to input accurate information about the Pokémon's species, level, and individual stats. If you input inaccurate information, the calculator will give you an inaccurate CP estimate.

Tip 3: Compare the CP of different Pokémon.

CP calculators can be used to compare the CP of different Pokémon. This can be helpful for deciding which Pokémon to use in battle, or which Pokémon to evolve.

Tip 4: Use CP calculators to track your Pokémon's progress.

CP calculators can be used to track your Pokémon's progress over time. By regularly using a CP calculator to calculate the CP of your Pokémon, you can see how their CP is increasing as they level up and gain new moves.

Tip 5: Use CP calculators to make informed decisions about your Pokémon.

CP calculators can be used to make informed decisions about your Pokémon. For example, you can use a CP calculator to determine which Pokémon are worth investing in, and which Pokémon you should transfer to Professor Willow.

CP calculators can be a helpful tool for Pokémon Go players. By following these tips, you can get the most out of CP calculators and use them to improve your gaming experience.

Now that you know how to calculate the CP of an evolved Pokémon and how to use CP calculators, you can start making informed decisions about your Pokémon. By following the tips in this article, you can increase the CP of your Pokémon and make them more powerful in battle.


CP calculators are a helpful tool for Pokémon Go players. They can be used to calculate the CP of a Pokémon based on its species, level, and individual stats. This information can then be used to compare the CP of different Pokémon, to track a Pokémon's progress over time, and to make informed decisions about which Pokémon to invest in.

In this article, we have discussed the following main points:

  • How to calculate the CP of an evolved Pokémon
  • How to use CP calculators
  • Tips for getting the most out of CP calculators

By following the tips in this article, you can use CP calculators to improve your Pokémon Go experience. You can make informed decisions about your Pokémon, and you can increase the CP of your Pokémon to make them more powerful in battle.

So, what are you waiting for? Start using CP calculators today!

Thanks for reading!

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